February was an ice storm day after day. Need to order the Danish boots with tiny spikes and stock up on pet safe salt for the north facing gravel driveway.
Press in Wickford has provided solace in the chill.
Greenvale Vineyards had their members party, we had fun!
The stars have been incredible. Breathtaking most nights.
Today, March 1 was spent on the boxwood. Pruned the two year old New Gen Freedom hedge, propagated cuttings. Moved the cold frames to face north. Important to build burlap frames in the fall.
It’s a 3 acre project. Managing invasive japanese stilt grass and green briar. Using AI for quick solutions.
Piles of wood chips. Neighbor Jack keeping them in order.
Tellie watching lately includes an Italian show called Ice Cold Murders, filmed in the Italian Alps. Entertaining.
United Sodas of America variety case for the 3pm slump.
Submitted two paintings to South County Art Juried show, my painting were accepted, they’re hanging in the gallery until Mid March.
Keeping busy with pottery, and soon pickleball.
Lunch at Dads tomorrow.
Sauna at the beach in little C next week.
Two comedy shows on deck in March, an Irish one in EG and Sebastian Maniscalco in Pvd, post Al Forno’s!