K. Ann Lynch

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Kerrie Lynch

Clocks back. Days are done at 5. Fireplace, candles, tea, soups and stews. Writing and reading.

Planning the holiday cheer: classical music in Newport, yoga at the Weekapaug Inn, wine tasting at Ocean House.

On the garden front, looking to get as many camellia, winter green ground cover, hellebore, heather as possible. Huge day collecting leaves for next spring compost thanks to Uncle Scott. Wood chips and composted manure to the rescue.

Build propagation tables using cinder blocks. Raspberry and blueberry beds.Dead wood hedge down by the mailbox 5’ tall. Get 40’ rebar and have it cut down in Warwick 6’ to accommodate 1’ in the ground.

Looking at property in Europe for the next possible phase of our lives, America is looking unpleasant to say the least. not here for it.

Workwise, many train trips on the horizon parties and gatherings.

Dental surgery ensures long recovery over Christmas week, dreadful but necessary.